Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Viva La Rotary!

This past Monday evening Cynthia and I attended the Change of Horses Banquet held by my Rotary Club, Will Rogers Rotary. The event was held at Five Oaks Lodge in Jenks, America amid a rustic setting comiserant of Will Rogers himself. We enjoyed a nice meal, good conversation, and saw the past officers pass the gavel to the new officers. In addition to Lucy Cravens being made this year's president yours truly was named Co-Sergeant At Arms (no, I don't get to yield a gun!) Kim Montgomery and I will be responsible for fulfilling the duties together for this year which will consist largely of ordering the meetings we attend weekly. She and I are scheming how to get away from the singing we start our meetings off with! LOL! Anyway, what is Rotary? It is an organization founded to bring business leaders together for the good of the world and is responsible for wiping polio off the face of the earth in addition to many other worthwhile endeavors. We have assisted with Tsunami victims, supplying much needed water to villages doing without, and medical supplies around the world. If you ever desire to attend a Rotary meeting with me I will treat you to lunch. Viva La Rotary!


Anonymous said...

I would like to do so but you know how busy I am. One of us saving the world is plenty.

M said...

Have y'all ever been to Granite, OK? They have this HUGE piece of granite carved with Will Rogers face and info about him. It's really nice. I think it's by the High School. My husband's dad grew up in Granite.