Monday, July 28, 2008

Another Hot Weekend in Oklahoma

Cynthia and I live for the summer so you will not hear us complaining about the heat, so long as the pool is near by! We took a ride Saturday to Lookout Lake in Osage Hills State Park. Ever been there? Heard of it? We hadn't either but it was a nice little ride. Ran down Highway 11 until we hit Pershing, Oklahoma and then took Highway 60 East. About halfway to Bartlesville there is Osage Hills State Park and Lookout Lake is located there--although the only advertisement to that fact is a small sign beside the lake itself! Regardless of its remote location it was populated by two boats (with electric troll motors) and a handful of fisherman scattered along its banks!

The ride was filled with curvy roads, wide open spaces and surprises along the way. It was really fun to come out of this obscure part of Oklahoma and find Bartlesville looming up in front of you as you rounded that last curve of Highway 60. We took Highway 75 back to Tulsa and got ourselves in the pool by 3:00 pm. Not a moment too soon as Cynthia did experience some difficulties with the heat. We rehydrated her and got her in the pool. Life was good the rest of the weekend. Then to top things off we were reminded by a cross in the sky of how close God always is.

Lookout Lake

Sunday, July 20, 2008

July 2008 Vacation

Cynthia and I just spent the last full week enjoying the things we like. We golfed, swam, rode, ate, and laughed. Check out the pictures below for a snapshot of how we spent the week. We can't tell you how much the R & R was needed or how theraputic it was but the pictures come close. Two days golfing, an overnight stay at Eureka Springs via Missouri and through Fayetville, Arkansas with swimming at our favorite park (our backyard) in between times. The weather was wonderful, the love and laughter fantastic and the memories forever! May you all enjoy a week off as we did!!!

July 2008 Vacation

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Patio Project

Having gone through surgery (severed tendon on my right hand) with two surgeries, three casts, thirty stitches and a sling, we are finally getting back into action. Prior to having my pin removed we tackled tiling the patio that we decided back during the rennovation we were going to do. About 300 square feet of tile or nineteen boxes of 13X13 tile and a terra cota grout.
It really dressed up our Backyard Resort and, of course, we wanted to share the pictures with you. Let us know what you think!
(P.S. In a quandry as to what to do with the remaining thinset and grout as our refuge men won't pick up anything that weighs more than 50 pounds I made stones. I call them "John-stones" and am considering a new company called "Johnstones, Inc." Just kidding but I did make some stones and included a picture of one Cynthia decorated with our last name, a flower, and one of Gracie's paw prints!)

The Patio Project

The Evolution of our Front Flowerbed

When we first moved in to our home the front "flower bed" was a shambles. It was overgrown with ivy covering rocks and all sorts of roots, sticks, etc. We began by pulling out the ivy, digging up roots and redefining its border. Azalaes followed, mulch, and various plants. We added the concrete bench, the Japanese Mapel and bag after bag of mulch! Needless to say it has come a long ways from when we moved in to our recent 4th of July holiday!

I could not help but remember what the great poet said, "Shall I not have intelligence with the earth? Am I not partly leaves and vegetable mould myself. " ~Henry David Thoreau

Nor could I help but include this qoute from the Color Purple, "I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don't notice it.... People think pleasing God is all God cares about. But any fool living in the world can see it is always trying to please us back. " ~Alice Walker, The Color Purple, 1982

While it has been a great deal of labor and expense it has been a labor of love. We take special delight in the neighbors that take time to stop and tell us how beautiful it is. It wasn't until we looked back at the pictures that we realized why they so often comment about its beauty--they looked at the mess it was for years! I am sure that it will continue to grow and develop as we lovingly tend to it. Enjoy!

The Evolution of our Front Flowerbed

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Johnston Memorial Reunion 2008

As Uncle Ralph would have wanted it the Johnston clan gathered at his beloved Coal Pit for a grand time of family celebration. Some arrived the night before to make the most of it and some arrived in time for dinner--the common denominator was love, family, food, fishing, games and tons of fun!
One of the highlights was Aunt Rita passing out Guardian Angels made from Uncle Ralph's ties! They were received with delight and held like the treasure they are. Thank you Lisa and all those who helped her make them!
Rex is the official Johnston Chef as he not only made the grill that was used but cooked the steaks to perfection! The food brought by everyone (from Jimmy's stuffed jalepenos to Cynthia's outrageous brownies) was fit for a king! Some (like Lloyd Holland) said they wouldn't have to eat again until Tuesday but others, like myself and Katie, knew we would be eating again in a few hours!
The reunion culminated with a special trip to the cemetery where we paid honor to our beloved Uncle Ralph and helped Aunt Rita place the wreath that Jan brought to the funeral. The marker was beautiful with a laser carving of the Coal Pit on the front side and a place where their 50th Anniversary picture will be displayed with the engraved caption "Serving the Lord Together". What a tribute to a romance that spanned almost six decades!
Until next time, dear family, with much love and fond memories. See the slideshow below for some wonderful pictures.

Johnston Memorial Reunion 2008

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Kristen's New Puppy

Kristen brought her new puppy, Max, over to visit us. Gracie loved getting to know him but we had to be careful that she didn't get overly excited and step on Max! Cynthia and I are elated to finally have a grand dog! LOL! Check out the pictures below.

Max Comes to Visit

Monday, May 12, 2008

Ducks Cry Fowl!

Prior to opening the pool and directly following the Great Renovation of '08 we had visitors. A mallard and a hen flew in finding the water collected on the tarp an enjoyable feast with all the scum that accumulated. For about five days they would fly in, spend the night and intermittently return during the day to swim, waddle and eat everything they could find. Then, to their dismay, we opened the pool--disturbing their smorgasbord! They flew back to discover their table spread was displaced and the water chlorinated with super shock. Needless to say they did not appreciate it one bit! I took pictures of their adventure for your amusement and they are posted below.

Ducks on Display

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Finshed!! Hooray!!

Let it be recorded..... Sunday, April 27, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. we finished our massive renovation!!! Let the celebration begin!
We installed 170 feet of crown molding, cleaned the oven, and moved all the furniture in. After finishing the enameling and touch up we are ready to enjoy the "fruits of our labor"!
I had a hot bath drawn, a cold martini poured, and my personal bath attendant during a quiet and much needed acquatic celebration. Picture included. We are very thrilled with our completed project. Let us know what you think!
A special shout out to Kristen who came up with the workable living room layout design! She was a big help Saturday as we were nearing the finish line. We are grateful for all the friends who stopped by and walked with us through the renovation process. Now we can just sit and enjoy their company without putting a tool in their hand! LOL!

Check out my Slide Show!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Getting Close To Being Finished

We are on the home stretch to completion! We have grouted the backsplash tile, finished the quarter round in the dining room and the foyer, and begun installing the crown molding throughout the living area. I have posted a few pictures for you to see the progress. More to come.

Looking Like Home

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

We Can See The Light At The End of the Tunnel!

The last four days of working from 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. have paid off great dividends! I have posted pictures of the progress from having our formica installed, carpet re-laid, lights installed, tile backsplash laid, and painting the ceilings and walls. Let us know what you think!
In the midst of my painting the walls Cynthia got our yard cleaned up and I have included a few pics of our azaleas as this is their time to shine. We are very excited to see things coming together. The carpet is set to be cleaned today and we can clean and move the furniture back in. Wow! Five weeks and three days later. We have plans to install crown moulding throughout and touch up the enamel as well as grout our backsplash. A bit more to go but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I will be sure to post pictures of the final product.

Check out my Slide Show!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Keeping You Updated

Hooray! The kitchen cabinets are now primed with oil-based Kilz! Once the clean up is complete the formica guys will come install the new counter tops and I can spray the cabinets all over again! LOL! Posted some pictures below for your enjoyment. More to come!

Painting With Tim

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Keeping You Posted

We are making progress! Hooray!! Ceiling and wiring is complete but for the final coat of paint. The tile floor is finished with a new piece in front of the fireplace and the patio entrance (something we've needed since moving in). The cabinets are prepped and I will spray the primer on them tonight. The formica is to be installed this week and we purchased the tile for the backsplash that Cynthia and I will install. I have included a picture of the colors we will be using as well as the formica sample, the backsplash tile and one of the six accent tiles we will place as a special touch. We are very much looking forward to completing this project, coming home and sitting down! LOL! More to come.

Check out my Slide Show!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Progress Marches On!

I recently entered the dreaded phase of sanding and sanding and sanding and....well, you get the picture. However I can now announce that I am just a little ways from painting the new ceiling! Hooray!!
Cynthia and I had the foresight (not to mention experience) to cover any entrances with plastic so as to keep the dust in the work area rather than spread it throughout the house! I have posted some new pictures to show this and the progress. Tomorrow my brother Doug and I will start laying the tile in the dining room, kitchen, foyer, in front of the fireplace and at the back patio entrance. Twenty-one boxes of tile! Shew! Of course you may expect both a report and more pictures. Stay tuned.

Check out my Slide Show!

Monday, March 31, 2008

The Great Renovation of '08

A great deal has been accomplished since Thursday morning. I tackled the flooring first thing that morning and got the hall and kitchen tile removed, tore out the sofett above the kitchen cabinets, removed the old vent hood and exhaust pipe (as we are putting in a ventless microwave over the stove) and removed the cabinet over the bar. Friday morning Cynthia and I tackled the remaining wood tile in the dining room and got it out as well. Picked up supplies, ran wiring, installed two new light boxes and an outlet.....and basically worked till we were dragging.
A great big THANK YOU to my Dad who met us at Home Depot and transported our materials home (including 1,000 lbs of tile)! And a great big THANK YOU to our friend Mike Murray who helped us hang a full sheet of sheetrock at a crucial time! (He is also helping us with a difficult compound miter cut, whatever that is! LOL!) Everyone has been so kind and concerned, some even dropping by to visit. A big shout out to Susan (who helped coordinate color and tile choices); my brother Doug (who is helping with the tiling); and our cousin Scott (who gave electrical advice) and all that came by!"
I have included pictures to show the progress: sheet rock installed, lights wired, outlet installed and wired, mud and tape, and a 8-yard container filled with debris. Amazing progress! More pictures to come as we have decided to paint the cabinets with the high-gloss oil-based white enamel on the rest of our woodwork and the counter man will be here Friday to install the new countertop and stone backsplash. Then the tile throughout the dining room, kitchen and foyer. Finally paint the walls, re-install or replace the carpet and get back to normal! Whatever that is! LOL!

Progress as Promised

Sunday, March 23, 2008

"Who Is Speaking, Please?"

“Who is speaking, please?” It is a polite response to the rude caller who failed to identify him or herself. Sorry but proper phone etiquette was stressed in my childhood. A skill I am grateful my parents took time to hone and one that has served me well over the years.

Something my pastor said during the illustrated sermon depicting the last week of Christ’s life, The Passion Week. At the point where He is inquiring who the people say that He is the community's guesses are tossed out. "Some say You are John the Baptist, others say You are Elijah" and still yet the more vague, "Some say You are one of the prophets." One of the prophets? Really? Sounds like the way I used to answer some of those high school multiple choice questions….All of the Above! This usually was a wrong answer and so it was in the Biblical text I am referencing.
It was at this point of confusion that Peter blurted out the answer without fully realizing what he was saying, “You are Christ, the Son of God!” At this precise point Jesus gave credit for the right answer to Peter and yet delineated where he had gotten it. Sort of reminded me of acing a test in elementary. The teacher gave me a “A plus” and then promptly walked to my desk, picked up my textbook and flipped to the back of the book to confirm her suspicions—yes I had one of the books with all the answers in it! Jesus told Peter, “This answer didn’t come from man (specifically Peter) but it came from My Father above.”
“Who is speaking, please?” While it was Peter’s voice it was God who was speaking. I can’t imagine how pleased Peter must have been to get something right when everyone else around him was getting it wrong! But this euphoria didn’t last long. It was just a little bit further in the discourse of that day when Jesus revealed the fate that awaited Him. He was to be arrested, tried and executed for crimes He did not commit. Peter jumped to his feet and protested loudly. He simply would not allow this!! Jesus interrupted him with a stern rebuke, “Get behind Me, Satan!” Ouch! That must have stung, especially in light of his recent rise to the head of the class! Satan? Really? “Who is speaking, please?” In this instance it was Satan speaking even though it was Peter’s voice that broke through Jesus’ instruction.
While I have reviewed this week too many times to recount and have even skirted around the topic that has me presently intrigued, it is this point that I now contemplate and muse. Two statements. Both from Peter’s mouth. Yet, two very distinct and polarized sources. One statement made by God. One statement made by Satan. Peter’s voice, very different sources. A right answer. A wrong response.
Many of us closely identify with Peter. He was the disciple held up as hot-tempered, quick to act, and slow to think. He loved Jesus with all his heart but many times fell short of his own expectations in their relationship. One step forward, two backward. So, in our close identification with Peter we must acknowledge we, also, are capable of the right answer at the right time but are just as capable of the wrong answer at the wrong time. Before the sound of our voice breaks the silence of any given moment I suppose we need to revert to proper phone etiquette and ask, “Who is speaking, please?”
Not wanting to be the devil’s mouthpiece I inwardly asked how we might better know God’s voice so that we could tune out the devil’s. Immediately what Jesus had told His disciples along that line many years ago sprang to my consciousness, “My sheep know My voice.” The inference was clear. I was to hang around my Shepherd long enough to know His voice, to recognize His touch and to sense His presence. If I was “warming myself at the enemy’s fire” as did Peter during that dark night of betrayal, it would be the devil’s voice I was more attuned to, his touch that would be more readily recognized and his presence I was more likely to entertain. In the shadow of man’s natural darkness illuminated by Satan’s presence I would be more apt to give the wrong answer at the wrong time, earning myself, at the very least, a stern rebuke.
In response to my inner query, intimacy had become the central issue. As a lover readily knows his or her partner’s touch we should strive to know our Lord’s. In so doing we will further assure that we know at any given moment “Who is speaking, pease?”

It Rained Inside The House!

Friday, March 14, I came home to a surprise. Not the good kind. But a surprise nonetheless. As I opened the garage and rode my bike in I couldn't help but notice the water coming out from under the door. To my dismay the water line running over the ceiling to the ice maker had burst! I was greeted with Gracie still standing in the kitchen with rain coming down all around. I am convinced she would stay in that kitchen even if the house was on fire even though the small child gates we put up and merely laying against the wall!
The light fixture we were so proud of was full of water, the ceiling was sagging and the floor was covered in water. Quickly I shut off the line and began dragging furniture to our garage. Burggraff was out in an hour and stayed until they had cut a 6 foot by 8 foot hole in our kitchen ceiling, tore up the carpet and removed the pad, and placed 8 fans, 2 humidifiers and an air scrubber in our home. Sounded like a 747 Jet Airplane in the living room!! We dried out for a week and have now gathered the necessary estimates and began planning our "forced" rennovation.
Taking advantage of the opportunity we have plans to remove the delaminated wood floor and lay tile that Cynthia has already picked out in the dining room, the kitchen, the entrance foyer and in front of the french doors and fireplace hearth. We also plan to remove one of the cabinets that separate the kitchen from the dining room hoping to open up the area. I will also remove the panel above the cabinets to achieve the same effect. We will install two drop-down lights over the counter where the cabinet is now. By the time we get done it will look beautiful, hopefully before it is time to put up the Christmas tree!!
Check out the pictures below and remember that while pictures are worth a thousand words they simply do not do justice to the devestation that we met with. Of course, anyone with a flooded house would scoff at the "light" damage in comparison. We will post pictures of the finished project when completed.

Check out my Slide Show!

Check out my Slide Show!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Cynthia's Grand Daughter, Zoe

Well, I should say Cynthia's adopted grand daughter! Zoe is the daughter of Jamie & Richard and Cynthia works with Jamie. She delighted in their wonderful news of having their first baby and instantly assumed the role of grandmother. She gets her "grandma fix" anytime she can whether Jamie brings Zoe to work, or she visits their home or Zoe comes to see us.
As you can see, Zoe is a beautiful little girl with a sunny disposition that makes you want to play with her for hours! Of course, we don't see the grumpy side or the dirty side that happens with babies....that helps! LOL!

Check out my Slide Show!

Introducing Gracie!

Although she just celebrated her one year birthday recently we thought it time to introduce you to the newest member of our family, Gracie! Gracie is a Golden Retriever with a personality all her own. As you can see from the pictures she came to us as a six-week old puppy whose living conditions were less-than-desirable. Poor thing smelled so bad we had to roll the windows down on the car even though it was a cold February day! First thing she got was two baths--that is right, TWO baths!
From there she has learned people interaction to the point that if one of us gets up out of bed she wants to take our place to be with the other one. Her antics continue to amuse us each day. She loves socks, playing and chasing the cat.
Today she weighs about seventy pounds. She should be through growing now.
If you happen over you will notice her right off as she is the first one to the door to greet HER visitors! LOL! Here's......GRACIE!!!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

2007 Christmas Pottery

Despite the Ice Storm of '07 and the loss of electricity associated with it Cynthia and I managed to get our Christmas pieces finished in time for the "Giving of Gifts" that we so enjoy. Our theme, oddly enough and in the coldest weather, was the gift of "A Warm Night". The idea was borne out of a discussion about making Christmas mugs but coffee or cider not providing enough warmth and nourishment for what we had in mind. The idea evolved into soup mugs and Cynthia's flair took over providing not only the handcrafted soup mugs but the soup itself, crackers, and an old fashioned movie--all nesteld in a basket, shrink-wrapped and tied with a bow.
More than a dish (albeit a handcrafted and unique dish) we gave away warm nights filled with love, nourishment and good old-fashioned respites away from the tug and pull of the common, everyday world. It was our desire to give the receipients something they would cherish and relive over and over again. I have included some pictures to give an idea of what we created and included a set of bowls as well. Here is hoping that you had a very Merry Christmas and that this new year will be all you wish for!

Check out my Slide Show!

The Ice Storm of '07

Like a scruffy ol' man rubbing his chin in remembrance and announcing, "I remember back when...." I can already hear myself years down the road saying, "I remember the Ice Storm back in '07...." and holding my audience captive while I regal them with the terrible tale! LOL!
In retrospect to my futuristic proclaimation I can already say, "It really wasn't all that bad." Oh, I know most of us lost a lot of tree branches and a few nights (or at the most weeks) of warmth and convenience but really.....what is that compared to the terrible and hurtful things happening nowadays? Every newscast is livid with loss of life, the degradation of the human race and the unspeakable man-against-man crime?
However.....that doesn't keep me from telling my tale! Just letting you know that I have it in proper perspective. And, since a picture tells more than a thousand words, I have some pictures to show you as well. Now, a word of warning before I show you the pictures--like comparing surgeries or childbirths or war stories, I know there are worse tales to tell and I don't want to get into a "I can top that" contest! LOL! Just telling my story, like Joe from Dragnet, "Just the facts, Maam. Just the facts."

Check out my Slide Show!