Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The Ice Storm of '07

Like a scruffy ol' man rubbing his chin in remembrance and announcing, "I remember back when...." I can already hear myself years down the road saying, "I remember the Ice Storm back in '07...." and holding my audience captive while I regal them with the terrible tale! LOL!
In retrospect to my futuristic proclaimation I can already say, "It really wasn't all that bad." Oh, I know most of us lost a lot of tree branches and a few nights (or at the most weeks) of warmth and convenience but really.....what is that compared to the terrible and hurtful things happening nowadays? Every newscast is livid with loss of life, the degradation of the human race and the unspeakable man-against-man crime?
However.....that doesn't keep me from telling my tale! Just letting you know that I have it in proper perspective. And, since a picture tells more than a thousand words, I have some pictures to show you as well. Now, a word of warning before I show you the pictures--like comparing surgeries or childbirths or war stories, I know there are worse tales to tell and I don't want to get into a "I can top that" contest! LOL! Just telling my story, like Joe from Dragnet, "Just the facts, Maam. Just the facts."

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