Monday, November 29, 2004

Santa's Little Workshop

The sound of saws, hammers, and drills cannot be heard in our studio but we are assisting Santa as well as the elves that are so celebrated at this time of year! We found time over the long weekend to glaze and fire quite a few pieces. We finished the Christmas order my co-worker, Carrie Fitzgerald, had placed for four bowls and I shall deliver them to her this morning. In addition several more pieces were brought to completion and are pictured below. We have begun matching up our pieces with the people we wish to present them to for Christmas gifts and are finding that we have more pieces than people! And in addition to that, Cynthia says that we don't have to give everyone pottery for Christmas! Can you imagine that?? LOL! She is right, of course. Thankfully we have learned the art of keeping some of our pottery ourselves. Nothing like eating out of a bowl that you created as Cynthia and I did with our potato soup Sunday afternoon. One day hot in the kiln and the next day filled with hot soup! Now that is what I call "performance art"! Enjoy the pics and let us be the first to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

1 comment:

kristin said...

dang! everything looks awesome! you guys are such a great & talented team! :) was that the Charleston's Potato soup you ate? yum!