One of our pieces has emerged earning its own name. Adversity. It is named such because of the difficulty with which it came into being. Several times I was tempted to give up on it and start all over but persevered feeling drawn to complete what was begun. And am I ever glad that I did! The walls would oscillate between thick and thin, the shape vascillated between what I wanted and what the piece was demanding. But the end results was a thing of beauty!
I couldn't help but be reminded of the way life often is. How difficult and ardorous our paths may become but how faithful the Master Potter is in shaping our lives into things of beauty! How many times have I tempted Him to give up on my ever becoming anything of use or beauty, yet He persevered. And, interestingly enough, both my life and the piece Adversity has become more beautiful due to the very difficulty that bore it it's name! So may this unique piece always remind us that while the process of life itself may be extremely difficult it can be brought to a thing of beauty and great use by the Master Potter who never, ever gives up on His creations!
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