Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Proud Parents

While the thought of 19 babies would ordinarily put anyone into a state of shock we are absolutely delighted! We have 19 new pieces of pottery that emerged from the kiln yesterday! Oohs and aahs all the way around! Ten of those pieces are candle holders that we intend to be Christmas gifts and several of those pieces will be added to the Johnston household. We are learning the joy of keeping some of our pieces and not giving them all away. Stay tuned to this blog and you will soon be seeing some pics of our babies. Like proud parents we will always be glad to show them off and talk endlessly until your eyes begin to glaze over and your ears threaten to fall off!

1 comment:

Tim & Cynthia Johnston said...

Well you are so correct the babies are wonderful. But I must say I am not the normal parent, I can always see ways I could have made them better, but love them all the same,even if they are not perfect. I can't wait until our new ones are done just like parents always ready to make more. LOL! Cynthia