Sunday, October 28, 2007

Slinging Mud Again

Summer's sizzle has cooled considerably meaning less time on the roads of America and basking in our now frigid swimming So! Back to the Mud Hut! Cynthia and I made a recent trip to Nixa, Missouri to visit our favorite supplier, L & R Specialities, Inc. We came back with some glazes and 200 pounds of Deep Red clay. For years we have given away our best work not wanting to give inferior gifts which has resulted in us not having a matching set of our own. Our pottery consists of mismatched, albeit fantastic, work.

I decided that before we make anything else I would make us a matching set of eight bowls as we are moving into chili, potato soup and stew weather. Weighing them out on my digital scales I kept the size uniform but allowed the variances that occur under my potter's hand. The Pattern Green glaze we brought back produced the color we were looking for. You will note in the picture two colors, green and brown. How did we do that? One dip in the glaze produces brown on the Deep Red clay while two dips in the glaze produces the green. I personally love the variance between the colors rather than one, boring color. Enjoy and we will post more as we hang out in the Mud Hut. Cynthia has already bisqued components of a Christmas wind chime that is sure to be a big hit while I have two coffee cups ready for bisque. More later!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Dripping Springs

Hog Wild

May 4, 2007 a dream came true. Tim's dream bike! A 2007 Harley Davidson Softtail Deluxe to be exact. We have logged 2,000 miles on it already and are having a blast! In fact...we are heading out tomorrow for a week on the road winding our way through Oklahoma, Arkansas and parts of Missouri. Of course we will have plenty of pictures to share! Vrooom!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A Tribute to Sadie

Tonight Cynthia and I were faced with the terrible news that Sadie, our faithful friend and dog, had lymphoma carcinoma and didn't have long to live. Remembering that Sadie had been so faithful to us we could not allow her to suffer. Given the prognosis we allowed her to be put to sleep. At our request we were allowed to stay. Cynthia held her head in her hands while I rubbed her stomach--two of her most favorite things in the world. A few moments later she fell asleep. Wiping our tears away we choose to remember the happy times that we three had shared. Admittedly we will miss her terribly but Sadie was so good to us we could be no less to her. Our hearts are sad, our memories full, and we wish to share with you through these thoughts and the slideshow below. Sadie, the One and Only. She was much more than man's best friend---she was our best friend.

Sadie, The One & Only

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Nick & Sarah visit the Mudhut

Nick and Sarah visited the Mudhut tonight! After a delicious meal and preparing the clay these young artists tried their hand at creating their very own masterpieces. Sarah especially loved getting muddy and even left her handprint on the backsplash complete with her initials and the year. Nick served as her waterboy keeping her hands and clay wet to reduce the friction. We had a blast! So glad they came! Visitors are always welcome to The Mudhut!
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Pottery tomorrow?

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Monday, January 29, 2007

Mr. Nicholas Reed Johnston

Who is this handsome man? It is Nicholas all grown up! Hard to believe but he is set to graduate this spring from High School and has collegiate plans and a motorcycle technician as his career goal. He is active in his church, has a flair for writing, and is very much into his girlfriend, Sarah. The picture was just too good not to post! We are proud of you, Nicholas!
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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Lighting A Fire In The Studio

Oklahoma is confused in its weather patterns this thinks it is Alaska! So....desperate times call for desperate measures. We ordered a wall-mounted gas heater to break the chill in the room. So far, so good. I think it would fare better if we didn't have to open the double-car garage door every morning! But it certainly is making a difference--if only from watching its golden glow! Tossed in a couple of pictures for you to check it out. Feel the warmth? LOL! Have a great day and stay warm!

Close Up

Wall of Warmth