Thursday, March 23, 2006

When Winter Kisses Spring

When Winter kisses Spring

Tis the briefest of flings

One knows that it can’t last long

The two together is simply wrong

One is hot, the other is cold

One is timid, the other is bold

Only amongst the rarest of chances

Do they give second glances

Yet in that single moment of time

When they lose sense of reason and rhyme

The two lean towards one another

And give the kiss of a true lover

Alas it is fated from the start

Theirs cannot be an affair of the heart

Winter will loosen its icy embrace

And slip from Spring’s warm face

When Winter kisses Spring

Tis the briefest of flings

Tim Johnston

March 23, 2006

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a perfect telling of the morning.