While enjoying one of my new favorite television shows, Boston Legal, I was once again confronted with the evolution versus creation debate. While bursting into laughter at many scenes I was brought to serious consultation with the “serious” issue faced in this otherwise comedic series. A school superintendent was being sued for the firing of three science teachers who refused to commingle their evolution “theory” with what he had cleverly termed Intelligent Design, a.k.a. Creationism which attributes the bringing into existence of man and his world by a Higher Power, namely God.
It seems that Hollywood, ever a step ahead of societal cognitive debate, was acquiescing to the growing push of modern day Protestants thrusting “God back into our schools”. While this may seem like progress to those in favor of such it strikes me as “tossing a bone” to a growing menace in hopes of appeasing and thus thwarting its growing strength. All the while recognizing the inherent right of Creationism or Intelligent Design attributed to a Higher Power or God or Whatever you would like to coin Him or It they were further solidifying their coveted and beloved position of Evolution.
I do not wish to argue the utter infeasibility of human existence by pointing out that it requires more faith to believe in man’s evolution than in God’s sovereign creation of mankind nor do I wish to exhaust myself or my readers by listing the many infallibilities of such a ludicrous “theory” (after all that is what evolution is, a theory). What I wish to do is alert the Christian who would be placated by such token nods of validation. Do not be cajoled into thinking that the great Hollywood or secular society is recognizing and validating our argument for Creation and thus for God. Do see this latest trend as it is….merely a ploy to lessen our threat to the point of view held by the minority---that evolution is anything more than a theory or that man exists outside of God. Do stay on your toes as far as personal expression through voting, debating, and participating in the current cry to bring God back into our schools, our government, and our families! Do not allow this mere nod from the intellectual gurus of our time to dissuade or disillusion you in your quest for God and the propagation of His Gospel! Now, more than ever, we must push forward in standing up for the God who brought our nation into existence in addition to giving us His breath of Life!
Laugh at the sitcom, enjoy the humor of the drama, but please do not be disillusioned by their transparent attempt to change your core beliefs nor lessen the intensity with which you pursue your passion----namely embracing God as the Creator of mankind, as well as His Savior.